Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Ike's Place Sandwiches

There's a famous, word-of-mouth sandwich place in San Francisco called Ike's Place Sandwiches.  The word on the street is that the sandwiches are so good that people will wait an hour in line to get one and that the place is becoming so popular that they were kicked out of their former location for being too busy (i.e. too many people standing in line and blocking the sidewalk).  Thankfully, Ike's decided to open up a location at Stanford University, which is not too far from my apartment.  The bad news is that the Stanford location is only open from 10am to 7pm, Monday through Friday, so any chance I was going to have at getting to try it was going to have to be a day off from work.  Luckily, I had the day off a few weeks ago and decided to finally try the famous Ike's Place sandwiches.  I ordered the Nacho Boy sandwich which has roast beef, mushrooms, avocado and swiss and I added on some "Ike's dirty secret sauce" and tomato on french bread.  Thankfully, the Stanford location is not as busy as the SF location so my sandwich was waiting for me when I arrived.  Here's a picture of the sandwich:

I'm not sure if I had set my expectations too high based on the hype that I had heard but I didn't find the sandwich to be spectacular.  The Ike's dirty sauce was overpowering to me - it had a strong garlic aioli flavor with mayo mixed in, which destroyed any balance that the sandwich ingredients might have had with each other since all I tasted in each bite was the dirty sauce.  Next time I'll ask for less dirty sauce in the hopes that it will add flavor but not totally take over the sandwich.  Other than that, the sandwich was fine so I'd be willing to give Ike's another shot but not if I have to stand in line for an hour to pick it up.

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